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HOPE Act could mean HIV patients’ organs no longer turned away for ‘positive-to-positive’ transplants

The House of Representatives passed the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act Nov. 12. Once signed into law, this would allow ‘positive to positive’ organ donations. According to the Human Rights Campaign: “Permitting organs from deceased, HIV-positive donors to be used for transplant to HIV-positive recipients has the potential to save 1,000 HIV-infected patients with […]

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FDA turns down higher dosage for HIV drug Prezista

An application for a higher dosage of an FDA-approved HIV drug from Janssen Pharmaceuticals has been turned down by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, according to a company statement. The complete response letter was for an 800 milligram dose of Prezista, a protease inhibitor. The Titusville, New Jersey company, the Pharmaceutical Division of Johnson […]